Club Information
The White Bear Lake Lions Club meets every month from September through May on the 2nd and 4th Thursday. Because of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, the Club only meets on the 2nd Thursday in November and December.
The general meetings are held at Carbone’s Pizzeria & Pub, 1350 Hwy 96 E Suite #7, White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Social time starts around 6:00 p.m. and the meeting is called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The Gambling and Board of Directors meeting is held on the 1st Thursday of every month at the White Bear Lake Armory. The gambling meeting is called to order at 6:30 p.m., and the board of directors meeting follows immediately afterward.

Club Officers
Lion Rheanna O’Brien
1st Vice President
Lion Ivy Hunt
2nd Vice President
Lion Ann Jacobson
3rd Vice President
Lion Scott Wilson
Past President
Lion Rick Goplen
Lion Carisa Vermeersch
Lion Jim Anderson
Sergeant of Arms
Lion Noreen Shepard
Lion Tamer
Lion Kate Hunt
Tail Twister
Lion Pat Johnson
Tail Twister
Lion John Tomlinson
Tail Twister
Lion Kea Knox
Lion Jim Francis
Make a Difference
The White Bear Lake Lions Club has over 75 years of history within the community of White Bear Lake, Minnesota. The White Bear Lake Lions Club is a service-orientated organization, with currently about 70 members. Members of the Lions Club are involved in numerous service projects and fund-raising events throughout the year. The Lions Club’s fundraising proceeds are distributed to selected community recipients.
Our Mission
Lions Clubs International